domingo, 10 de julho de 2011


... want to be in the dark
The man who owns them is bored!
My beauty and (others) does not interest him more.

He has the power (the power)
and not by vanity but perhaps by fatigue ...

if you want it you will.

I am a "player"
I bet without fear of losing, without fear of gaining
that anything can happen, even without hope.

I do not side with the victory or defeat,
I side with life and its allure
of passion and dream.
I align myself with the fact
with his face stranger and more fearful,
of sublime happiness.

I bet what's on the table,
it's all in the same round.

The book is on the table
That's all I can speak ... The book is a show!
is what I do ... but
do not play to win or lose,
I always love to play
the mystery of life.

And if no lights
as you think sometimes in doing so
one day we can draw ...
and who knows what's mine is also yours!

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