sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

The morning

Heaven  woke up. He opened his eyes
and saw the morning  around him.
She was beautiful.
She wore green flour colored flowers.
dewy roses and sunflowers.
her hair was deep blue
Wired white dreams
Despetal daisy.

The morning ... danced before the sun's rays
hugging the ground.
This is the day of spring.

The sun of heaven runs on the fog,
opening curtain of the great sea:
Here are the eyes of heaven on earth.
Here one day every spring away.

Heaven Landed  your bird song over  waves:
  and lazily flutters
Violin thin wings of  life

slid the boat and the boatman who follows in the direction of the island,
Heart ..of earth

The fish trapped in eternal time line
swam to the surface and
licked her hands, feet ... and the face

Here the sun on the sea,
in all its fullness.
calling all beings
for another spring day.

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