sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011


If I Could to say something
I say all of my best things
the life is full full full of dreams, dreams
and nothing mo re.

If I Could to do something
i done my best things of all
the life is full full full of love spring ...
love, love spring and nothing more.

If I Could something to wish
I WIHS my best thing of all
the life is full full full the birds wings
wings the birds wings and nothing more.

If I Could to say the story
I say my best teller or more
the life is full full full of glory.
Glory, glory and nothing more.

But Can not you hear my best of me
this is my silent, because I am here.

Open your heart
to hear the rain,
to feel the sun,
  make The Same
with your plan.

Let the seed to come away
to light the day ...
in your everyday.

And to bloom, bloom, bloom
bloom, bloom in the heart of earth
in your hair and in the eyes of her.

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